All of these requirements must be met prior to trying-out for any team.
YOU MUST register online with CJ HEAT CLICK HERE
YOU MUST bring proof of registration from USAV to the first tryout you attend. Please read the instructions below on how to register with USAV. A copy of the confirmation email sent to you will be sufficient. We just need to see it.
YOU MUST complete the USAV Medical Release form (bring copy to tryouts): USA Volleyball Medical Release Form
USAV Registration
To help with the registration process for USA volleyball, GEVA has produced a document.
Please CLICK HERE to get information and instructions on how to register if you are new or a returning USAV member.
A try-out fees of $30.00 covers all dates
Payment can be paid online or in person at your first attended date.
Includes tryout CJ HEAT T-Shirt with number.
The CJ HEAT T-Shirt provided must be worn to any subsequent tryout session. You will not be allow to tryout without it.
The number on the T-Shirt will be used through-out all the sessions to evaluate/tabulate your scores.
You will be charged another $10 for another shirt if you fail to bring the original one.
IMPORTANT: To be considered for a team, athletes must attend at least one tryout session. If you are not able to attend any dates listed below please contact us before tryouts start.